"Light" has been awarded and shortlisted in many international animation film festivals. "Light" won the 2013 American Blueberry Animation Festival-Best Independent Animation Award, and the 2013 Shanghai TV Festival-Asian Animation Venture Capital Association Excellent Animation Award.
At the same time, it was shortlisted for the 2013 Toronto International Animation Art Festival in Canada, the 2013 Animayo International Animation Film Festival in Spain, the 2013 Philadelphia Film Animation Festival, and the 2013 Anibar International Animation Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Do you still remember: "In Toy Story, Woody's little master is going to school, put away a lot of toys, and the toys thought they were abandoned..." Yes, when we were growing up, many things slowed down. Slowness has become something deep in our memory, and this story just wants to tell us, don't forget them, because you have never been alone......
In a forgotten place, lives a lamp man. One day, the light bulb in the room flickered out, and he stumbled out in the darkness, hurriedly came to a tree full of light bulbs, and he tried his best to find something. He found a very bright lamp and tried his best to get it.